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No34643 の記事

■34643 / )  Re[6]: 純粋理性批判B165-166
□投稿者/ pipit -(2023/10/24(Tue) 20:15:05)
    2023/10/24(Tue) 20:16:24 編集(投稿者)

    No34641の部分のJ. M. D. Meiklejohnさんの英訳も引用しておきます。

    We cannot think any object except by means of the categories;

    we cannot cognize any thought except by means of intuitions corresponding to these conceptions.

    Now all our intuitions are sensuous, and our cognition, in so far as the object of it is given, is empirical.

    But empirical cognition is experience;

    consequently no a priori cognition is possible for us, except of objects of possible experience.[25]
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