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No32562-32563 の記事

■32562 / )  Re[13]: 純粋理性批判B160
□投稿者/ pipit -(2023/08/20(Sun) 09:19:34)

    We have a priori forms of the external and internal sensuous intuition in the representations of space and time, and to these must the synthesis of apprehension of the manifold in a phenomenon be always comformable, because the synthesis itself can only take place according to these forms.
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■32563 / )  Re[14]: 純粋理性批判B160
□投稿者/ pipit -(2023/08/20(Sun) 09:20:37)
    But space and time are not merely forms of sensuous intuition, but intuitions themselves (which contain a manifold), and therefore contain a priori the determination of the unity of this manifold.[23] (See the Transcendent Esthetic.)
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