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No32514 の記事

■32514 / )  純粋理性批判B160
□投稿者/ pipit -(2023/08/17(Thu) 20:55:33)
    ちょっと丁寧に見たいので、まず、カントの原文を引用します。文字化けしそうなところを似てる記号に置き換えますm(_ _)m
    Zuvorderst merke ich an, daB ich unter der Synthesis der Apprehension die Zusammensetzung des Mannigfaltigen in einer empirischen Anschauung verstehe, dadurch Wahrnehmung, d.i. empirisches Bewu Btsein derselben, (als Erscheinung) moglich wird.

    この原文のJ. M. D. Meiklejohnさんの英訳
    I premise that by the term synthesis of apprehension I understand the combination of the manifold in an empirical intuition, whereby perception, that is, empirical consciousness of the intuition (as phenomenon), is possible.

    First of all, I note that
    by the synthesis of apprehension I understand
    the composition of the manifold in an empirical view, through which perception, i.e. empirical consciousness of it, becomes possible (as appearance).

    ちょっとわからないなと今のところ思ってるのは、Apprehension という単語...


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