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No21679 の記事

■21679 / )  143 総合的な統一
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/03/20(Sun) 22:49:58)


    > これ、まだわからないけど、今思ってるのは、
    > 単一体として捉えることかなーと。
    > 違うかなあ。<


    Conjunction is the representation of the synthetical unity of the manifold.[15] This idea of unity, therefore, cannot arise out of that of conjunction; much rather does that idea, by combining itself with the representation of the manifold, render the conception of conjunction possible. This unity, which &#224; priori precedes all conceptions of conjunction, is not the category of unity (§ 6); for all the categories are based upon logical functions of judgement, and in these functions we already have conjunction, and consequently unity of given conceptions.


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