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No13789 の記事

■13789 / )  英訳
□投稿者/ pipit -(2021/06/09(Wed) 13:38:01)

    [12] The predicates of the phenomenon can be affixed to the object itself in relation to our sensuous faculty;
    for example, the red colour or the perfume to the rose.

    But (illusory) appearance never can be attributed as a predicate to an object, for this very reason, that it attributes to this object in itself that which belongs to it only in relation to our sensuous faculty,
    or to the subject in general, e.g.,
    the two handles which were formerly ascribed to Saturn.

    That which is never to be found in the object itself, but always in the relation of the object to the subject, and which moreover is inseparable from our representation of the object, we denominate phenomenon.

    Thus the predicates of space and time are rightly attributed to objects of the senses as such,
    and in this there is no illusion.

    On the contrary, if I ascribe redness of the rose as a thing in itself, or to Saturn his handles, or extension to all external objects, considered as things in themselves, without regarding the determinate relation of these objects to the subject, and without limiting my judgement to that relation—then, and then only, arises illusion.

    The Critique of Pure Reason

    By Immanuel Kant

    Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn


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