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No37124 の記事

■37124 / )  純理B180 図式論
□投稿者/ pipit -(2024/04/16(Tue) 06:13:06)
    みなさまおはようございます(^ ^)続きです。

    In truth, it is not images of objects, but schemata, which lie at the foundation of our pure sensuous conceptions. No image could ever be adequate to our conception of a triangle in general. For the generalness of the conception it never could attain to, as this includes under itself all triangles, whether right-angled, acute-angled, etc., whilst the image would always be limited to a single part of this sphere. The schema of the triangle can exist nowhere else than in thought, and it indicates a rule of the synthesis of the imagination in regard to pure figures in space.

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