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No23666-23672 の記事

■23666 / )  Re[56]: 泡沫経・偈文@
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:08:02)
    2022/06/02(Thu) 01:09:11 編集(投稿者)

    “Form is like a lump of foam,Feeling like a water bubble;Perception is like a mirage,Volitions like a plantain trunk,And consciousness like an illusion,So explained the Kinsman of the Sun.
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■23667 / )  Re[57]: 泡沫経・偈文A
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:10:42)
    “However one may ponder it And carefully investigate it,It appears but hollow and void When one views it carefully.
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■23668 / )  Re[58]: 泡沫経・偈文B
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:12:01)
    “With reference to this body The One of Broad Wisdom has taught That with the abandoning of three things One sees this form discarded.
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■23669 / )  Re[59]: 泡沫経・偈文C
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:13:20)
    “When vitality, heat, and consciousness Depart from this physical body, Then it lies there cast away:Food for others, without volition.
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■23670 / )  Re[60]: 泡沫経・偈文D
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:14:48)
    “Such is this continuum,This illusion, beguiler of fools.It is taught to be a murderer; Here no substance can be found.
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■23671 / )  Re[61]: 泡沫経・偈文E
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:16:07)
    “A bhikkhu with energy aroused Should look upon the aggregates thus,Whether by day or at night,Comprehending, ever mindful.
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■23672 / )  Re[62]: 泡沫経・偈文F
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/06/02(Thu) 01:17:29)
    “He should discard all the fetters And make a refuge for himself; Let him fare as with head ablaze,Yearning for the imperishable state.”
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