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No22951 の記事

■22951 / )  Re[28]: 五蘊(ごうん)
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/04/29(Fri) 19:22:53)
    2022/04/29(Fri) 19:44:32 編集(投稿者)

    みなさま、こんばんは(^ ^)



    【英訳】Bhikkhu Bodhiさま訳
    * Connected Discourses on the Aggregates
    22.48. Aggregates


    原文の英訳のpipitによる日訳。m(_ _)m

    At Savatthi. “Bhikkhus, I will teach you the five aggregates and the five aggregates subject to clinging. Listen to that….


    @五蘊(ごうん・the five aggregates)と、
    A五取蘊(ごしゅうん・the five aggregates subject to clinging)

    “And what, bhikkhus, are the five aggregates? Whatever kind of form there is, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near: this is called the form aggregate.

    「@五蘊(the five aggregates)とはなんでしょうか?


    Whatever kind of feeling there is … this is called the feeling aggregate.


    Whatever kind of perception there is … this is called the perception aggregate.


    Whatever kind of volitional formations there are … these are called the volitional formations aggregate.


    Whatever kind of consciousness there is, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near: this is called the consciousness aggregate.


    These, bhikkhus, are called the five aggregates.

    修行僧たちよ、これらが@五蘊(the five aggregates:五つの集まり)と呼ばれます。」

    “And what, bhikkhus, are the five aggregates subject to clinging?

    「では修行僧たちよ、A五取蘊( the five aggregates subject to clinging)とは何であろうか?」

    Whatever kind of form there is, whether past, future, or present … far or near, that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the form aggregate subject to clinging.

    遠くにあるものでも、近くにあるものでもーー汚染され、執着されることができる形の集まり、これが色取蘊(the form aggregate subject to clinging:執着の対象となる形の集まり)と呼ばれます。」

    Whatever kind of feeling there is … that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the feeling aggregate subject to clinging.

    「どのような(汚染され、執着されることができる)感覚であれ、、、汚染され、執着されることができる感覚の集まり、これが受取蘊(the feeling aggregate subject to clinging:執着の対象となる感覚の集まり)と呼ばれます。」

    Whatever kind of perception there is … that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the perception aggregate subject to clinging.

    「どのような(汚染され、執着されることができる)認知であれ、、、汚染され、執着されることができる感覚の集まり、これが受取蘊(the feeling aggregate subject to clinging:執着の対象となる認知の集まり)と呼ばれます。」

    Whatever kind of volitional formations there are … that are tainted, that can be clung to: these are called the volitional formations aggregate subject to clinging.

    「どのような(汚染され、執着されることができる)意思による形成であれ、、、汚染され、執着されることができる意志による形成の集まり、これが行取蘊(the volitional formations aggregate subject to clinging:執着の対象となる意志による形成の集まり)と呼ばれます。」

    Whatever kind of consciousness there is, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near, that is tainted, that can be clung to: this is called the consciousness aggregate subject to clinging.

    「どのような(汚染され、執着されることができる)意識であれ、、、汚染され、執着されることができる意識の集まり、これが識取蘊(the consciousness aggregate subject to clinging:執着の対象となる意識の集まり)と呼ばれます。

    These, bhikkhus, are called the five aggregates subject to clinging.”

    「修行僧たちよ、これらが五取蘊(the five aggregates subject to clinging)と呼ばれます。」

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