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■27186 / inTopicNo.61)  Re[18]: 英訳箇所
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 23:17:54)
    That part of transcendental logic, then, which treats of the elements of pure cognition of the understanding, and of the principles without which no object at all can be thought, is transcendental analytic, and at the same time a logic of truth.
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■27185 / inTopicNo.62)  Re[17]: 英訳箇所
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 23:17:21)



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■27184 / inTopicNo.63)  Re[16]: 英訳箇所
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 23:13:22)
    2022/10/24(Mon) 23:14:35 編集(投稿者)

    A science of this kind, which should determine the origin, the extent, and the objective validity of such cognitions, must be called transcendental logic,
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■27183 / inTopicNo.64)  Re[15]: 英訳箇所
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 23:11:37)
    2022/10/24(Mon) 23:14:15 編集(投稿者)




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■27182 / inTopicNo.65)  Re[14]: 英訳箇所
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 23:07:24)
    2022/10/24(Mon) 23:13:50 編集(投稿者)

    Accordingly, in the expectation that there may perhaps be conceptions which relate a priori to objects, not as pure or sensuous intuitions, but merely as acts of pure thought (which are therefore conceptions, but neither of empirical nor &#230;sthetical origin)&#8212;in this expectation, I say, we form to ourselves, by anticipation, the idea of a science of pure understanding and rational cognition, by means of which we may cogitate objects entirely a priori.
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■27173 / inTopicNo.66)  Re[13]: 英訳箇所E
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:54:28)


    ではお仕事行ってきまーす ( ̄^ ̄)

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■27172 / inTopicNo.67)  Re[12]: 英訳箇所D
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:52:38)
    In transcendental logic we isolate the understanding (as in transcendental &#230;sthetic the sensibility) and select from our cognition merely that part of thought which has its origin in the understanding alone.
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■27171 / inTopicNo.68)  Re[11]: 英訳箇所C
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:52:06)
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■27170 / inTopicNo.69)  Re[10]: 英訳箇所B
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:50:48)
    Neither of these faculties can exchange its proper function. Understanding cannot intuite, and the sensuous faculty cannot think. In no other way than from the united operation of both, can knowledge arise. But no one ought, on this account, to overlook the difference of the elements contributed by each; we have rather great reason carefully to separate and distinguish them. We therefore distinguish the science of the laws of sensibility, that is, &#230;sthetic, from the science of the laws of the understanding, that is, logic.
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■27169 / inTopicNo.70)  Re[9]: 英訳箇所A
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:50:23)
    Neither of these faculties has a preference over the other. Without the sensuous faculty no object would be given to us, and without the understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are void; intuitions without conceptions, blind
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■27168 / inTopicNo.71)  Re[8]: 英訳箇所@
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:49:58)
    We apply the term sensibility to the receptivity of the mind for impressions, in so far as it is in some way affected; and, on the other hand, we call the faculty of spontaneously producing representations, or the spontaneity of cognition, understanding.
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■27167 / inTopicNo.72)  英訳箇所
□投稿者/ pipit -(2022/10/24(Mon) 07:49:25)
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